"Our goal is to be the leading partner and supplier of choice for Ti407 and products produced from this material"
Magneli Materials LLC was formed to harness the potential of Magneli Phase Materials. We provide volume supplies of high quality stabilized Magneli Materials in two grades. We serve as the central point for the dissemination of research and knowledge relating to Magneli Phase materials.
Magneli Materials leads the development of:
Advanced anodes utilizing Stabilized Ti4O7
Advanced catalysts for anodes coated with Ti4O7
Over the course of the last three years Magneli Materials has developed:
The ability to coat numerous substrates with the Ti4O7 powders including Titanium, Stainless Steel, and Lead.
The ability to manufacture a Ti4O7 reactive membrane anode.
Our end-user customers include large multinational blue chip industrial companies across the globe. We partner with corporations under NDA's to advance the use of our technology in many different commercial situations.

About Ti407, Magneli Phase Titanium Oxide
Magneli Materials LLC has created a novel and superior class of Ti407, Magneli Phase of Titanium Oxide which is different from conventional Magneli Phase materials, such as Ti407, Ti509, and Ti6011. Our product has a consistently higher percentage of Ti407, and will not oxidize under most conditions.

Arne Magneli established the study of transition metal sub-oxides and shear plane dislocations. This lead to the discovery of conductive Titanates and Perovskites. Starting in the 1940’s, he examined a variety of transition metal oxide materials to determine why they were lubricious and electrically conductive – they should have been neither.
These early studies were focused on Tungsten and Molybdenum sub-oxides, while his later work transitioned to Titanium sub-oxides (Ti407) where he discovered dislocation planes in the crystalline structure. The dislocation planes accounted for their electrical conductivity and lubricious properties, the same mechanism gives rise to graphite and Graphene’s properties:​
Magneli Phase sub-oxides of titanium are ceramic materials which have a graphite-like crystalline structure otherwise known as a Magneli Phase. Magneli Phase sub-oxides of titanium have individually identifiable X-ray diffraction spectra and not simply doped titania or casual mixtures of TiOx. Magneli phase titanium sub-oxides are a range of distinct compounds having a general formula:
TinO2n-1 (n=4 – 10) (e.g. Ti407, Ti509, Ti6011…)
Ti407, V2O3 are “Magneli Phase” sub-oxides.
MxTyOz are “Magneli Phase” Metal Titanates.
Ti407 is by far the best known and most studied Magneli Phase material.

Why Our Ti4O7 Ceramic Powders?
Substantially higher content of Ti407 (more than 80% Ti407).
Structural stabilized:
Nano powder can be massively produced for the first time
More chemically and electrochemically stable
Powders are produced in two configurations:
Nano Grade # N82
Micro Grade #JB15
Stabilized Magneli phase materials offer:
High Corrosion Resistance in Acidic and Basic solutions
High electrical conductivity
High electro-chemical stability
Ti4O7 is the most reduced Magneli phase. It has Rutile form of TiO2 with every 8th Oxygen removed;
Ti4O7 has the highest number of shear planes occurring at the shortest spacing of these shear planes.
Ti4O7 has the highest electrical conductivity and chemical stability among all Magneli phase of titanium suboxides.
When the n equals to 3 or less, the shear plane accommodation of the octahedra collapses and so does the crystallographic structure from triclinic to monoclinic.
Developed a new manufacturing process and novel class of more advanced materials through Structural Stabilization of the Magneli Shear Planes
Novel form of crystalline structure which has another metal atom present, inhibiting the realignment of the Magneli Shear Planes
Resists conversion to TiO2 when exposed to strong oxidizing conditions
Greatly expands the forms in which it can be made
Micro and Nano-scale structure powders
Plasma sprayed coatings on low cost substrates (Ti , Al and stainless steel)
High surface area reticulated foams
Ceramic articles
Economical to manufacture in high volumes and consistency